Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
I took the road less travelled by and it made all the difference.
Only in perspective, have I realized that this journey inward has been about learning to trust my heart; my intuition and my body. To differentiate between being a thinking, processing being, and living from a feeling place of inner wisdom.
As a highly rational, intellectual person for my entire life the idea of allowing feelings, intuition and imagination to be at the forefront has been a radical change.
Lesson after lesson came my way this past few years, challenging me to move beyond my left brain way of being in the world. Making plans, lists, making the rational choice, thinking everything through, thinking ALL the time. Trying to make sense of life.
Now I can see how thinking about everything creates separation. Instead of being in a moment and experiencing a feeling, i would start analyzing it, creating story around it, judging it, categorizing it. Anything except just surrendering to the experience!
Immersed in nature for good chunks of time without distraction allowed me to pay attention to sounds, clouds, the questions that arise inside, feelings, all the fears and worries that circle around in the brain, until they drop away and i am able to finally able to relax into the moment and just be with myself.
I didn’t consciously know that this was what I was experiencing, a heart opening. But good adventures don’t tell you much about what’s to come. You set you out with a good compass and some reassurance. The rest just happens.
And so I have been navigating what it means to move through life from a more balanced perspective; a heart centered approach to living.
I feel like I am moving beyond limitations I have set upon myself. What I should do, who I should be, how I should act. Into a an expanded version without definition, created moment by moment, honoring all parts of myself.
I listen with my body and I honor my feelings. And as a result I am experiencing increased joy, balance and health.
We are bombarded with so many messages from TV, music, family, friends, culture, and politics. Subtly and overtly telling us how we should feel, what we should think.
In the absence of all that messaging, what arises? What is truth?
What is MY truth?
This question is especially important during this moment in time.
This question, the idea of sovereignty, is at the heart of so many philosophies, religions, art, and politics.
Choice. Freedom. Expression.
Questioning the status quo, the teacher, the priest, the politician, even ourselves.
And sprung from this ides of divergent paths, I have learned about Consent. I have learned to say, “ I do Not consent.”
Such powerful words.
Drawing a line in the sand. Standing up and speaking a personal truth. Saying, “NO.”
It can be a spiritual act: setting boundaries that come from internal truth.
Or as Gandalf (Lord of the Rings), says, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS.” (One of my favorite scenes.)
Where he sets a physical, spiritual boundary of such power and love that it is deeply felt by all.
THAT is the energy of “I do not consent.” A deep knowing of the heart that bursts forth into voice and action.
This energy is building now on the planet and can be witnessed across the world. People moving from their hearts and inner knowing and taking action, even if it is not popular opinion. Even when the left brain thinking mind can’t make sense of things. There is wisdom, a body wisdom that emerges if we but only allow some space for this to exist.
This rising up, resurrection of the spirit of life may be calling some of you. It certainly is for me.
How do our bodies speak to us? How do we respond? By honoring this wisdom, or by letting our brains take the lead and override?
What if the road less travelled is the path of following our hearts and listening to our bodies? The path of wisdom, life and joy. This is my truth.
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