Sunday, December 20, 2020

 12, 20, 2020

Today is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! 


Let the Sun Shine

This is more than an astrological turn of phrase. The Age of Aquarius heralds in the transformation of humanity. A long awaited time in our collective evolution that awakens us to our full potential as human beings. 

Even amidst the chaos of the outer world (or maybe because of it?), this inner shift has already started. Maybe some of you sense it yourselves? A change you can’t put your finger on, a question, an out of the ordinary experience, or inner knowing. 

This past year has certainly caused us all to change our way of living and perhaps our perceptions also. However, this is just the beginning. There is so many wonderful things to come as we navigate this time period together. 

We’ve been hibernating like so many others during the past 10 months. However, our journey has been equal part internal transformation and nomadic explorations around the USA via our little travel trailer we’ve dubbed Terra Holoholo. Our adventures have brought us closer to nature, ourselves, and strangely enough to a world wide community of souls on similar spiritual journey’s to our own. 

Even though we are alone much of the time in nature we are connected through our hearts, minds and Zoom. Because of this community, because of the simpleness and beauty of our daily lives, because of the wildness of nature, we can honestly say this has been an amazing and life changing year.

Last April, when boatyard life came to an end we stayed in San Carlos for a few months house sitting, and waiting out the virus intensity in the PNW. Once summer arrived and with rising temperatures in Mexico we packed up and returned to Washington. Within a week we moved our belongings, sold a boat and a car and landed in our trailer in Olympia.

By the end of August we had installed a solar system and fixed up our trailer, bought a new/used truck and left town for the coast. 

When the fires and smoke rolled up to the sea we quickly drove east, keeping barely ahead of the worst of the smoke until we reached SE Idaho, where we found reasonably clean air, water and lovely forests to camp within.

Over the next months we enjoyed weeks alone in the wilderness, in Utah’s Valley of the Gods, Pagosa Springs, Zion, Sedona, Valley of Fire, Lake Mead, and Lake Havasu. We hike and meditate and enjoy camp fires and reading, YouTube and movies. We listen to the wind storms as they rock our trailer, sit in the sun on a warm afternoon, drive the backroads just for the fun of it and watch the moon and stars shift and change along with the season. Our simple life allows for us to heal and laugh, be present and enjoy life.

The most challenging aspects are lack of community (in person) and where to find water to fill our tanks. Other than that we are self sufficient and only go into town for supplies. 

There are many similarities to cruising by sailboat and many times feel as if our little trailer is our land cruiser, plying the backroads of America in search of beauty, adventure, rest and connection.

But today is an extra special day, a rare event - the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn - on the winter solstice. This is also know as the Bethlehem star. And this star is said to bring the return of Christ, or Christ consciousness to humanity. (Christ consciousness just means a higher state of being).

Many people, cultures and native communities throughout the world are gathering together on this day to celebrate and pray for enlightenment, peace and love. This day and the coming age has been prophesied about for thousands of years and it is finally upon us. We are all so lucky to be alive during this time, this transition into a new reality. 

I’ve know of the importance of this day for only 10 months now and so newly awake to the transformative power of this timeframe and have been looking forward to this Solstice as a pivotal and momentous moment. On this day we all have easy access to our own hearts and inner knowing. 

It is also a day for setting intention for the future. For dreaming big and letting the Universe know that you are ready for increased joy, prosperity, love and peace in your life. 

The Age of Aquarius is the turning point for humanity. A time when we turn away from war, hate, selfishness, and fear and turn toward unity, freedom, peace and compassion. 

Tonight we will have a bonfire in the desert, we will dance and sing with joy as we move together into a new way of being. A new age. A new life filled with all that we can dream.

I invite you to join us in your hearts, in your thoughts and welcome the wondrous events about to unfold over the next few years. 

Happy Happy Solstice


Love to all of you.

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