After almost 6 years of kissing frogs it happened; we bought a sailboat.
Her name is Eileen May and she lives in Mexico.
This is a surprise to us. How it came about that we own a sailboat in Mexico.
How, after a year of grieving the loss of Summer Rose, our lives have now changed so quickly.
In November, 2015 we found a new listing of a Passport 42 -- Shay's dream boat. The sailboat was moored near Portland, Oregon and for sale by owner, in a price range that was uncomfortable.
But hey, what's to lose by inquiring?
By the end of the weekend we were seriously falling for her, her layout, deck, cockpit, was just so perfect. She was clearly well loved. We decided to go for it.
Two months later and $2500 poorer, a disappointing inspection, and a recalcitrant owner, we were at a standstill. We put so much into that process, and we were so very close to completing the deal. But it wouldn't happen no matter how we tried to make it work.
After that crushing ordeal, we couldn't even look at another boat for a year.
We questioned our path, even our dreams, and focused instead on our rental projects. We hoped that the answer would present itself, for if we were not meant to have a sailboat, then what?
Fast forward to Sunday, February 12, 2017, and I have the flu. The bad one, where doing anything other than staring at the ceiling is too exhausting and mentally straining.
Having a momentary reprieve from the ceiling, I decided to get online and look at Craigslist for something-or-other; possibly paint for the ceiling. I ended up at the Mexico Craigslist, at Puerto Vallarta, searching for sailboats.
Sailboat searching did not happen regularly, or at all really, in the past year. Why now?
My normally racing and methodical, chronic, list making brain, was fairly absent at the moment, having given itself over to the misery of sick, combined with lemon-rum-water (for the throat!).
I happened across of a picture of a 40ft sailboat that looked vaguely familiar, it was a tad odd looking. Turning the screen to Shay I asked if this boat looked familiar to her?
What happened next, still blows my mind.
I looked at her in disbelief and said, "I'll find out."
So I emailed the owners - not thinking about the boat as much as wondering if this was the same owners we had met 4 years ago.
After an awesome charter with our friends in the Sea of Cortez, Shay and I were enjoying La Paz, Mexico for a few days.
We spent the time boat shopping. There was a nice ketch for sale that neither of else felt anything towards. There was the daily walks on the docks of the La Paz marina. During one of these walks, at the very end of the dock, sat a cruising boat that looked slightly different. Shay knocked on the hull, and a head popped out and said hello.
We had a very nice chat with the owners about their recent sail down from Vancouver, Canada and of course, about their boat. They gave us their boat card (it had a picture of Eileen May with their contact info and the address to their blog).
The next day we flew home.
Part-way home actually. Alaska Airlines cancelled our flight, but then put us up for 24 hours in an all-inclusive resort, on the beach, in Cabo San Lucas. I believe Shay was half drunk most of those 24 hours, plus the taxi ride back to the airport.
We forgot all about Eileen May.
Or at least I did.
After a nap, some ceiling staring time and more 'lemon water,' I checked my email, to find that yes, indeed it was the same boat/owners (what?!) and they had an offer on the boat, (sigh), but, and I quote, " monies have exchanged hands..."
Okay. Do we want to go down that path? Of hope, dreams and probable heart break?
Sure we do, it'll be fun - said the sick person who's brain is on hiatus. Besides, its more entertaining than staring at the ceiling!
I was ready to get back to my old self and wanted us to make a chart for all the lists we needed, in order to take this spontaneous, week-long inspection of a boat we met exactly 4 years ago - give or take a day, but I think it was the same day. The next day Shay woke up with the flu.
So that's how it happened. We met Eileen May on Monday, February 27 and spent the next week going over the systems with the owner. On April 1 we were official with the US Coast Guard. And next Saturday I am returning to Mexico to secure the transfer and boat.
It's all happened so fast. Its felt as if we never really had a choice anyway. Like there was the gentle pressure of a hand on our shoulders, guiding us to this path.
Who knows what will happen from here! Maybe I'll catch a cold and we'll adopt a puppy (just kidding Shay!). Crazy things can happen when your brain takes a leave of absence.
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