Boat Yard Jail
A trifecta of events conspired against us last week. We were trying to live aboard while fixing a diesel leak that made sleeping in the V-berth impossible. So we resorted to sleeping in the back of the truck.
Not so bad, however, the middle of the night pee bucket, and red dust covering everything was not fun, but it was doable for a couple nights. Then the yard lost power. And the water ran out. (That's a thing here)
So cooking was neigh impossible, or doing most any of the boat chores we were working on. Since we had removed all our V-berth cushions to the cockpit to air out, along with a plethora of diesel smelling boat gear, our ability to find a seat below, or in the cockpit was frustrating.
But still we persevered. Grumpily, but we were determined to stick it out.
Then the music at 3am started. Not just your typical Mexican music wafting from the yard next door, but loud speaker, 50 decibel music, from the workers over the yard wall. Even thru my pair of ear plugs the noise was incredible. This lasted till 5am. I think they were trying to keep themselves awake while they worked, but this also kept awake anyone within a quarter mile.
Then the midnight plastic burning started. Not a healthy smoke to be breathing when you are camped in your truck bed and you need to leave the tail gate down to accommodate your 6ft wife. Waking up coughing is definitely not fun.
Then it rained. Hard. Thunder and lightening, river running thru the yard, hard.
Shay woke up with wet feet and since I had buried myself in the salon in the hopes of being insulated against the music a little, I kept the fans going all night to disperse the diesel fumes as much as possible.
I woke up to a fan spitting water on me and found everything in the cockpit that was airing out soaked. We spent the morning trying to get the sun onto the cushions and boat gear.
This is when we broke out.
I found a casita in Guaymas, a few minutes away in a very Mexican neighborhood and that afternoon we drove over and booked it for a month.
Life is much improved now.
But really, this casita is very pleasant and peaceful most of the time.
The big plus is the ability to show up at the yard rested and fed and ready to work, and then to leave the work (and not spend another hour cleaning up to make a workable galley and resting place), go home, shower and make dinner. We also have Wifi! Any cruiser will tell you this is of paramount importance. (YouTube how-to video's, and kindle downloads for nightly entertainment.)
I'm remembering again why cruisers drink so much.
Alas, we are still plugging away at projects. Many have to be done now, before we can splash her. And since so many people are asking "what do you have to do that takes so long?" I will list some of them for you. Keep in mind, ANYTHING on a boat takes 4-7x's as long as you would expect.
Clean main bilge - Check!
Install Xantrex Link2000 Remote panel replacement - Check!
Replace frozen seacock in head - Check (Shay got it unfrozen!)
Remove head hoses
Install new head hoses
Install water filter and hoses under sink
Replace front seal on transmission
Check all batteries and figure out if they are dead, or able to be revived (my scariest project) then figure out what to do next - after watching some YouTube videos.
Check engine and install impeller, hoses and check alternator ground
Check instrument panel
Replace pencil zinc on heat exchanger
Test engine
Test transmission, somehow, before launch
Check hydraulic steering
Check exhaust elbow
Drill into weeping areas on bottom
Sand bottom
Repair holes
Coal tar on bottom
Paint bottom
Paint prop
Install new zincs on prop and rudder
Find a welder that can repair our swim ladder, make a gaff, and create a boom attachment plate for the vang
Find someone to replace the leaking valve on propane tank
Unpack remaining boat crap
Fix steering, anchor and bow lights
Install new navigation lights
Install new bow roller bolt
Install running rigging
Check spreaders
Replace the Garmin transducer
Check windlass
Get at least the jib on
Learn how to tune the rigging and then do it
Prep for splashing
This will hopefully get us to the marina where we can begin phase 2.
I don't feel better after writing this list.
Pray for us.